Friday, February 27, 2009

Social Constructivism

Stand-Alone Thinking:

This lesson can be taught using stand-alone thinking. This is because although there is a bit of new information regarding the Sun that is given to students, the bulk of the lesson involves reading thermometers and is focused on temperature. Students already have this background knowledgea and it will not be difficult for them to master this task. Students will listen to “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles and a class discussion will be led discussing their current knowledge about the Sun. We will discuss the planets' rotations around the Sun. Students will physically stand up and act out the parts of the planets orbiting. The students will be able to understand the Sun as they use these actions.

Many students have preconceived notions about the Sun or ideas they have heard which may or may not be accurate. These thoughts the students will share will allow a dialectical relationship to be exhibited. The teacher will be able to provide the accurate facts on the subject and students will begin to change some of their ideas. The teacher, or the more knowlegeable other, will teach some basic facts about the Sun:

The sun is a star that produces heat and light. The sun has rays that provide the heat and light that is essential for life on Earth. It supports life through photosynthesis in plants, and provides warmth and light. In addition to supporting life on Earth, sunlight is critical to human physical and psychological well-being. The benefits of the sun include keeping Earth’s temperatures warm enough to sustain life, providing light, and helping plants grow by providing food.The Sun provides heat and light energy (amongst other forms of energy) that are vital for life on Earth. This occurs because heat travels to cooler places. The interior of the sun reaches temperatures of almost 16 million degrees C, (28.8 million F).

Students will then begin their learning activity which focuses on temperature from the Sun. The cultural tool of thermometers will be used, as students monitor and record temperatures throughout the day.

Divide the students into groups.
Pass out construction paper, scissors, glue, and rulers to make temperature pockets.
Instruct students to measure two 6” x 6” inch squares of each color. Glue three sides together to form a pocket.
Review how to read a thermometer.
Students place strip thermometers inside the pockets and place all four pockets outside in the sun for the first part of the experiment.
Students predict what they think the temperatures will be for each color of pocket.
Check the pockets periodically for morning temperatures and for afternoon temperatures.
Record temperatures. *Variations may include placing the pockets in a shaded area and check for temperatures during the following day.
Journal the results and compare. Have students journal the steps used to experiment with the pockets and thermometers. (Draw pictures) Did the color of the paper make a difference in the heat recorded? Where was the pocket placed directly in the sun, in a shaded area? Consider questions such as: Which color of paper do you think will heat up the most? And why the students think there is a difference in the temperature.

The students will continue to leave the thermometers outside and check the temperatures periodically as the seasons change.

As students work closely with classmates and receive slight guidance from the more knowledgeable other, they will be working in their zone of proximal development. They will be able to stretch themselves just enough that learning and mastery will take place.

The set up of this lesson provides the students with much needed scaffolding. As the lesson begins there is a small amount of teacher instruction and review of material about the Sun. The students are then given instructions for the hands on activity. This activity allows the students to primarily work independently with a small amount of teacher assistance if needed. As the students continue to check the thermometers periodically they will do so indpendently and record the information without any teacher aid.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Location Activity Google Earth Content
1. Palenque, MexicoStudents will research a symbol of the Mayan culture and its meaning. Panoramorio Palenque Mayan Temple
2. Aztec, New MexicoStudents make temples out of popsicle sticks.Panoramorio Aztec National Museum
3. Tiwanaku, BoliviaStudents will create Sun masksGate of the Sun
4. Holbrook, ArizonaStudents reflect on what it would be like to have millions of new people move onto their native land.Wigwam Motel
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:Image overlay: Wigwam Village #6 over Holbrook, AZ

3rd Grade Social Studies: Standard 2: Objective 2: a.

Constructivism Lesson

This lesson will begin by having students draw on their “Sun” scheme. They will listen to “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles and a class discussion will be lead discussing their current knowledge about the Sun. Students will exercise assimilation as we build on this initial scheme throughout the course of the lesson. Students will exercise their behavioral schema in our first activity. We will discuss the planets' rotations around the Sun. Students will physically stand up and act out the parts of the planets orbiting. The students will be able to understand the Sun as they use these actions.

Students will then exercise their operational schema in a fun activity. Students will be given the distance of the Earth from the Sun in kilometers (149 million km). Using their mathematical and operational knowledge they will convert this number into miles (9,258 million miles). Students will enjoy seeing these large numbers! This also makes a connection from their own world to the Sun.

Students will then receive instruction:

The sun is a star that produces heat and light. The sun has rays that provide the heat and light that is essential for life on Earth. It supports life through photosynthesis in plants, and provides warmth and light. In addition to supporting life on Earth, sunlight is critical to human physical and psychological well-being. The benefits of the sun include keeping Earth’s temperatures warm enough to sustain life, providing light, and helping plants grow by providing food.

The sun’s energy comes from nuclear reactions in its core. This reaction, called fusion (joining), is produced by the joining of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms forming helium. The byproducts of this reaction are energy (heat and light). The Sun provides heat and light energy (amongst other forms of energy) that are vital for life on Earth. This occurs because heat travels to cooler places.

Our sun (109 times wider than Earth) is an average-sized star and it has been burning for about 4.5 billion years. The sun is a nuclear furnace that is a source of energy that does not pollute. Due to its enormous mass, pressure in the interior of the sun reaches temperatures of almost 16 million degrees C, (28.8 million F). About four million tons of the sun’s matter turns into energy every second and only one-billionth of the sun’s light ever strikes Earth.

Students will then begin their discovery activity. They will work on their own with little instruction from the teacher to understand more fully the temperature of the Sun. This will cause a disequilibrium; most students do not think anything is capable of being the temperature the Sun is. This may be difficult for students to understand but as they use the experiments to get more comfortable and familiar with temperature, this idea will stick. This will cause students to exercise accommodation, as they use these new experiences to adapt their current thinking and processing.

Divide the students into groups.
Pass out construction paper, scissors, glue, and rulers to make temperature pockets.
Instruct students to measure two 6” x 6” inch squares of each color. Glue three sides together to form a pocket.
Review how to read a thermometer.
Students place strip thermometers inside the pockets and place all four pockets outside in the sun for the first part of the experiment.
Students predict what they think the temperatures will be for each color of pocket.
Check the pockets periodically for morning temperatures and for afternoon temperatures.
Record temperatures. *Variations may include placing the pockets in a shaded area and check for temperatures during the following day.
Journal the results and compare. Have students journal the steps used to experiment with the pockets and thermometers. (Draw pictures) Did the color of the paper make a difference in the heat recorded? Where was the pocket placed directly in the sun, in a shaded area? Consider questions such as: Which color of paper do you think will heat up the most? And why the students think there is a difference in the temperature.

As an assessment, students will each receive nine different objects. They will measure their temperatures and record the data. They will have three labels in front of them, “Sun,” “Earth,” and “Pluto.” Students will then practice classification and arrange these objects under the corresponding labels. (Sun being the hottest 3 objects, Earth being the middle 3 objects and Pluto being the coldest 3 objects.)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Digital Storytelling

Freddy the Fish: A Counting Story

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Behaviorism Lesson Plan

Here Comes the Sun
Behaviorism Lesson Plan

Purpose: With a collection of antecedents, such as learning background facts about the stars, as well as experimenting with thermometers, students will consequently learn about the Sun.

Lesson: Teacher will share some fun facts about the Sun.
The sun is a star that produces heat and light. The sun has rays that provide the heat and light that is essential for life on Earth. It supports life through photosynthesis in plants, and provides warmth and light. In addition to supporting life on Earth, sunlight is critical to human physical and psychological well-being. The benefits of the sun include keeping Earth’s temperatures warm enough to sustain life, providing light, and helping plants grow by providing food.

Students will begin the hands on part of the lesson by using observational learning. The teacher will model the project they are going to do.

1. Divide the students into groups.
2. Pass out construction paper, scissors, glue, and rulers to make temperature pockets.
3. Instruct students to measure two 6” x 6” inch squares of each color. Glue three sides together to form a pocket.
4. Review how to read a thermometer.
5. Students place strip thermometers inside the pockets and place all four pockets outside in the sun for the first part of the experiment.
6. Students predict what they think the temperatures will be for each color of pocket.
7. Check the pockets periodically for morning temperatures and for afternoon temperatures.
8. Record temperatures. *Variations may include placing the pockets in a shaded area and check for temperatures during the following day.
9. Journal the results and compare. Have students journal the steps used to experiment with the pockets and thermometers. (Draw pictures) Did the color of the paper make a difference in the heat recorded? Where was the pocket placed directly in the sun, in a shaded area? Consider questions such as: Which color of paper do you think will heat up the most? And why the students think there is a difference in the temperature.

Utilize shaping as students are working on the project. When you notice a student doing a part of the assignment properly encourage them and use positive reinforcement; give students a fun Sun crossword puzzle to work on after they complete the assignment if they are following directions. This may be a representation of the Premack principle in that some students may not like crossword puzzles, but it will be a fun way to practice and test the students’ knowledge.

At the end of the project use continuous reinforcement schedule. As students answer the quiz questions asked, reward them with parts of an ice cream “sun”dae after each question.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cognitive Lesson Plan

Here Comes the Sun
Cognitive Lesson Plan

Grab the students’ attention by playing the Beatles “Here Comes the Sun.” By drawing on the students’ explicit memory and spreading activation, introduce the unit by having the students brainstorm as many words or phrases that have the word sun in them. (e.g., sunbeam, Sunday, sundae, suntan, sunburn, sunscreen, Sun Chips, sunlight, sunstroke, Sun Bear, etc.)

Have three paper suns cut out of yellow paper. The three suns will be the KWL chart. This will draw on their declarative knowledge as well as their explicit memory. In the first sun write down all of the things the students know about the sun. In the second sun write down what the students want to learn. At the end of the unit write down what the students learned in the third sun. Hang the suns in the room and add to them as needed.
Now that their attention is focused on the stimuli they can prepare to transfer the information from their sensory memory to their working memory. Divide the students into groups.
1. Pass out construction paper, scissors, glue, and rulers to make temperature pockets.
2. Instruct students to measure two 6” x 6” inch squares of each color. Glue three sides together to form a pocket.
3. Review how to read a thermometer.
4. Students place strip thermometers inside the pockets and place all four pockets outside in the sun for the first part of the experiment.
5. Students predict what they think the temperatures will be for each color of pocket.
6. Check the pockets periodically for morning temperatures and for afternoon temperatures.
7. Record temperatures. *Variations may include placing the pockets in a shaded area and check for temperatures during the following day.
8. Journal the results and compare. Have students journal the steps used to experiment with the pockets and thermometers. (Draw pictures) Did the color of the paper make a difference in the heat recorded? Where was the pocket placed directly in the sun, in a shaded area? Consider questions such as: Which color of paper do you think will heat up the most? And why the students think there is a difference in the temperature.
As students participate in this hands-on activity they will experience elaboration as their existing knowledge about the Sun is deepened with these facts they are learning.
Since the material is taught by using chunking, it will enable students to retain the information better as they are deepening their knowledge slowly. This lesson will also be an example of massed practice, because students are learning about this topic in one lesson not a whole unit. Students will also build on their procedural knowledge as they experience and learn “why” the Sun is so hot.
These memorable activities will prevent decay because students will have experienced these lessons in an interactive way. This lesson and these facts will then make their way to the students’ long-term memory.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 5

The content I will be using in my Digital Storytelling lesson is Mathematics. It will be targeted toward the younger grades and help them to learn how to count and use numbers 1-10. The pedagogy I will be using is incorporating Language Arts into the Mathematics world. I will try to capture the students' attention by using technology, in this case a video, which will make the learning process more memorable. The students will be able to see and hear and interact with the video which will appeal to more senses.




Picture of a fish with an empty bucket

Freddy the Fish loves to go on treasure hunts! Today he is going to see how many gold coins he can find.

Picture of a fish with bucket with one coin

1 gold coin

Picture of a fish with bucket with two coins

2 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with three coins

3 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with four coins

4 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with five coins

5 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with six coins

6 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with seven coins

7 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with eight coins

8 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with nine coins

9 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket with ten coins

10 gold coins

Picture of a fish with bucket and a big smile

Freddy is so excited about all of the treasure he found today! He can’t wait to go hunting again tomorrow.